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Dartmoor Forest Parish Council

News Archive for 2023

New Councillor for Princetown Ward Co-opted

New Councillor for Princetown Ward Co-opted

At its meeting on the 19th December, Council voted to co-opt Hazel Williams as the new Member of Dartmoor Forest Parish Council.

Hazel has lived in the village for over 10 years. In this time she has become deeply involved in the community, for example:
• Helping organize fund-raising events for the local Fire Station
• Regularly taking part in the Tidy Princetown initiative, including helping renovate the village bus shelters
• Being a founder member, and now chairperson, of the Princetown Churchyard Maintenance volunteer charity group
• Being a Committee Officer of and helping organize the Princetown Arts Festival, and
• Compiling calendars depicting Dartmoor flora using my own award-winning photographs

In her personal introduction Hazel stated 'I care deeply about Princetown, and would value the opportunity to use my time and skills in working with the Parish Council to develop the ward to become the even more thriving, safe and collaborative community I know it can be.'

Council welcomes Hazel: her skills, knowledge and enthusiasm.

20th December 2023

Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor - Princetown

Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor - Princetown

Do you have what it takes to be a Parish Councillor? 

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, contact one of the existing Councillors to have an informal chat about what's involved, or contact the Clerk. Details can be found on the website 

Interested parties will be invited to submit a short statement about themselves summarising what experience, skills and knowledge that bring to the role of Councillor and why they are interested.

Co-option will take place at the next meeting - 19th December 2023. 7.30 pm at Princetown Community Centre.

Co-option Poster Nov 2023

The Good Councillor's Guide - This guide introduces the work of local councils and the part you play as a councillor in the tier of local government closest to the people.

30th November 2023

'Thank-You' to Local Businesses

'Thank-You' to Local Businesses

Many of you will have noticed the work being currently undertaken at the bus stop at the top of the village. David Cole, our Parish Lengthsman has been busy building a new bench, and when the weather allows will finish the painting.

The Parish Council would like to express its sincere thanks to
Travis Perkins in Tavistock for their kind donation of blocks, sand and cement. And 'Thank-you' also to Anton Coaker English Timber, based at Sherberton Farm, Hexworthy for the supply of the timber.

David has already refurbished the bus stop in the village centre, earlier this year, and his continued dedication is helping to maintain these community assets for the benefit of residents and visitors.

21st November 2023



Short notice of road closure B3357 16th to 18th October. 

No mention if this is just day time closure or 24hrs.

Lengthy diversion in place, but those with local knowledge of the roads will know shorter routes - but please take care as the lanes will be busier then normal. 

Download document (pdf)

15th October 2023

Sir Geoffrey Cox MP - Drop in Surgery

Sir Geoffrey Cox MP - Drop in Surgery

Your local MP will be holding a drop-in surgery on Friday 25th August at Princetown Community Centre from 3.30pm til 5pm.

All residents are welcome to come along and have a chat with him about the things that matter to you.

Parish Councillors will also be available on the day.

13th August 2023

Parish Council is looking to fill thee vacancies in the Princetown Ward

Parish Council is looking to fill thee vacancies in the Princetown Ward

Do you have what it takes to be a Parish Councillor? 

 There are currently three vacancies in the Princetown Ward. 

Why not come along to our Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 23rd May, at 7pm, Princetown Community Centre, to find out what the Council has been involved in over the past year. 

This will be followed at 7.30pm by the Annual Council Meeting, where the new Chair and Vice-Chair will be elected and new Councillors Co-opted. 

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and contribute in the public sessions if they wish to. 

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, contact one of the existing Councillors to have an informal chat about what's involved, or contact the Clerk.  Details can be found on the website 

For more information please look at:

Councillor Vacancies - Co-option Poster May 2023

15th May 2023

Notice of Poll - West Devon Borough Council - Dartmoor Ward

Notice of Poll

Notice is hereby given that:
1.A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Dartmoor will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
2. The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
3. The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

(address in West Devon)
Liberal Democrats
Proposer: Paula Rampton (+)
Seconder: John Rampton (++)

RENDERS Mark Christian
The Flat, The Post Office, Tavistock Road, Princetown, Yelverton, PL20 6QE
Proposer: J Liversidge (+)
Seconder: D Geere (++)

Download document (pdf)

11th April 2023

Notice of Uncontested Election - Princetown Ward

Notice of Uncontested Election - Results

Cllr Gregg Manning
Cllr Emma Byrom
Cllr Mark Williams
Cllr Steven Butterworth

Council therefore has 3 vacancies to fill by Co-option at, or following the 23rd May meeting.

Download document (pdf)

6th April 2023

Notice of Uncontested Election - Huccaby Ward

Notice of Uncontested Election - Results

Cllr Alison Geen

Download document (pdf)

6th April 2023

Notice of Uncontested Election - Postbridge Ward

Notice of Uncontested Election - Results

Cllr Julian Greatrex
Cllr Wendy Watson

Download document (pdf)

6th April 2023

Application to register areas of Walkhampton Common as Common Land

Application to register areas of Walkhampton Common as Common Land

The Open Spaces Society has applied to Devon County Council to have an area of land to the south and southwest of Princetown registered as Common land.

Documents relating to this application can be viewed at Princetown library during normal opening hours, or a copy of the application can be obtained by emailing

The deadline for objections has been extended until the 22nd February 2023.

Any person wishing to object to the application should send a statement of the facts on which the objection is based to the County Solicitor, Devon County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, EXETER, EX2 4QD (Ref. PLU/CA0379/DEV007/018), or by email to
Representations and objections must be made in accordance with Regulation 25 (1) and (2) of the Regulations.

Download document (pdf)

2nd February 2023

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