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Dartmoor Forest Parish Council Logo

News Update

Dartmoor Forest Parish Council Casual Vacancy

Dartmoor Forest Parish Council Casual Vacancy

Notice of casual vacancy that has occurred for the Princetown Ward, following the recent resignation of Charmaine Clarke-Major. 

Please see the link below for the Notice of Vacancy. 

Anyone interested in becoming Member of the Parish Council should contact the Clerk for more information regarding the process, and the role.   Email:  

Or speak to an existing Parish Councillor to find out more. 

Come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on the 28th May 2024 at 7pm Small Hall, Princetown Community Centre to hear what Council has achieved over the past twelve months and some of its plans for the next year. 

This will be immediately followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.30pm where the new Chair and Vice Chair will be elected. 

Casual Vacancy

24th April 2024

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